The great people that make up our Association’s Committee – Committee Member Eddie Martignago
Have you ever wanted to know more about the great people that make up our Association’s Committee? Follow us each week on the lead up to the Wolgan Valley Association Annual General Meeting on Sunday 11 September 2022 to learn more about each of the Committee members. This week it’s the Associations Committee Member Eddie Martignago.
My name is Eddie (pictured with wife Angela, daughter Tahlia and son Adam), and I’m a Committee Member with our Association.
Why did you volunteer for the position? To share the work load and responsibilities of the committee that go hand-in-hand with the needs and the running of a community based Association. Furthermore, a sense of accomplishment is gained when contributing to the community.
What’s been the highlight of your involvement? The connection to many new friends, while always learning something new.
What have you learnt about yourself? You don’t have to be an expert or a specialist in any one area to make contributions that are appreciated by others.
Would you like to add anything else? Doing what you can to contribute to the committee helps gain a sense of pride in your community. These small parts all add up and contribute to the Association’s positive outcomes and success stories. While doing so, you are always supported in a super friendly team-like environment.