Wolgan Valley Association
Not-for-profit community group representing property holders and residents of the Wolgan Valley area that aims to protect and promote the natural, scenic, economic and social values of the Valley for current and future generations
In the last week we've had not one but two opportunities to meet with Jenny Aitchison, the State Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, to discuss the ongoing project of building a new road into the Wolgan Valley. Last Friday the Minister came down into the valley with a number of her team and the Mayor of Lithgow Cassandra Coleman. Almost 30 residents of the valley met with her to discuss the road and the best way forward for all of us. She was very receptive to comments made by various residents and we were heartened to feel like we had a refreshed set of eyes and ears in Macquarie Street to help us.
Last Wednesday three representatives from the Wolgan Valley Association again met with the Minister, this time in her boardroom in the city. At this meeting we had the opportunity to dive a little deeper and more specifically about some of the issues and opportunities related to building a new road. Again, she was receptive and open to everything we said and has agreed to some follow-up action.
We have a long way to go and at this stage the funding for a new road has not been approved but as the Minister has said repeatedly, it is not a matter of IF we get a road but HOW we get a road.
Fingers crossed! ... See MoreSee Less
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Is there any chance of getting the rail alignment cleared again for use by hikers and cyclists?
We are longtime supporters of Wolgan Valley Resort and we are patiently watching this feed for good news on the new road. Of course the residents need it desperately but also Wolgan Valley Resort put Australia on a world stage of excellence in hospitality. A shame to lose that.
Last Sunday the Wolgan Valley community gathered at the historic Newnes Hotel to collectively discuss the current status and future plans for a new road into the valley and to share experiences between residents and friends. Over 30 people attended the gathering and it was followed by a BYO lunch where the barbeque and everyone's eskies got a good workout.
The standout takeaway from the day was how all the residents and landowners in the valley are united in wanting a new road as soon as possible so life can return to normal, or at least a new normal. In the meantime there is a strong sense of community and neighbourly support throughout the valley.
Thanks to Thomas and Helen for hosting us at the hotel. ... See MoreSee Less
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Yes it needs fix8ng immediately.. When the earth quake in NZ happened, , huge land slips they fixed the road within 3 months ...and the people were able to travel by car and train ..get on it council they pay their rates ..foolish council...
Would have loved to have joined you all.
Yesterday afternoon we had our regular monthly call with Lithgow Council concerning the application for funding to build a new road into the valley. Council has worked closely with the landowners in the valley and kept us up to speed with all aspects of this complex project.
There are two important streams of activity related to this project - first being the application for funding to build a new road and the second concurrent activity is planning to build the road once funding is secured.
On the first item, Council has indicated they hope to have approval for the funding by April after a very detailed and complex review process undertaken by three levels of government. Fingers crossed for that one.
In parallel, work has already begun on all the necessary steps to build the road once funding is approved. This includes the appointment of Design Consultants who will do the concept design, the mandatory EIS report and other key tasks. They will also support Council in selecting a contractor to build the road.
There are numerous other technical specialist consultants required for this big project and they are also all getting organised at this time. So that's all good.
The high level timeline is for the Preferred Option to be finalised by the end of 1Q2025, the EIS to be completed by the end of 3Q2025 and a contractor to be signed by the end of 4Q2025. At this stage they are estimating the project will be completed by 1Q2031.
So yes, it's a long project and there's a mountain of things that still have to happen but our path is getting clearer which is good news. ... See MoreSee Less
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Disgraceful the rates I pay and the present goat track is disgracefully dangerous
Chris Watt it will be a while till we get into the valley we saw today!
Thanks for the update.
The Wolgan Valley Association recently held their AGM and elected a new committee to guide the association in 2025. Pictured from left to right is Paul Bower - Vice President, Andrew Chalk - President, Dawn Bower - Committee Member, Thomas Ebersoll (seated) - Committee Member, Justin Zorz, Committee Member and Bill Lawler - Secretary. Sarah Denmead - Treasurer, dialed in for the meeting. ... See MoreSee Less
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Thankyou for sharing ❤️
www.facebook.com/100063566200864/posts/867135238748675/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v ... See MoreSee Less
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Changed a lot from when I remember the gap rd 60 plus years ago .Still a beautiful memory.
Pioneers could get trains down there, but today's road builders? Go figure 🤷♀️
Authorised road users are advised to proceed with caution on the Donkey Steps track this morning with limbs from a large dead tree hanging over ‘Checkpoint 2’. Lithgow City Council has been notified and advised that it will be attended to shortly.
#WolganValley #WiradjuriCountry #LithgowRegion #WolganRoad #DonkeySteps #WolganRdForEveryone ... See MoreSee Less
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Due to hot, dry and windy conditions, a High Fire Danger Rating is forecast with a TOTAL FIRE BAN declared for the Central Ranges TODAY Saturday 9 December 2023.
During a TOTAL FIRE BAN you cannot light, maintain or use a fire in the open, or to carry out an activity in the open that causes, or is likely to cause a fire. A TOTAL FIRE BAN helps limit the potential of fires starting.
Stay up to date on fires in your area using the HAZARDS NEAR ME App or by visiting the NSW RFS website www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/fire-information/fdr-and-tobans ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Wolgan Valley Eco Tours's post ... See MoreSee Less
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